尼基塔女郎 第一季(La Femme Nikita Season 1)

【主演】皮塔·威爾遜 / 唐·弗朗克斯 / 尤金·羅伯特·格雷澤
【類型】電視劇 / 劇情 / 犯罪
尼基塔女郎 第一季(La Femme Nikita Season 1)《尼基塔女郎 第一季》:又名La Femme Nikita Season 1。Section One, a clandestine anti-terrorist organization, fakes the death of a jailed, convicted murderer and, believing her twin assets of beauty and ability to kill will make her a valuable new operative, trains her in the fighting skills necessary to succeed in her new job. The new operative, code-named 'Josephine', proves to be somewhat less ruthless than planned, however, as she had been falsely convicted and never murdered anyone.