黑暗42天(42 días en la oscuridad)

【編劇】Claudia Huaiquimilla / Rodrigo Fluxá / Enrique Videla
【導演】Gaspar Antillo / Claudia Huaiquimilla
【主演】艾琳·庫彭海姆 / Claudia Di Girolamo / 格洛利亞·蒙奇梅爾
【類型】電視劇 / 劇情 / 懸疑 / 犯罪
黑暗42天(42 días en la oscuridad)《黑暗42天》:又名42 días en la oscuridad。A Woman's Struggle to Find the Whereabouts of her Missing Sister. This Will Have to Fight Against the Negligence of the Institutions, The Prejudices of Loneliness and The Harassment of the Media.