維也納血案 第四季(Vienna Blood Season 4)

【主演】馬修·比爾德 / 於爾根·毛雷爾 / 康勒斯·希爾 / 查蓮妮·麥肯納 / 露易斯·馮·芬克
【類型】電視劇 / 劇情 / 懸疑 / 驚悚
維也納血案 第四季(Vienna Blood Season 4)《維也納血案 第四季》:又名Vienna Blood Season 4。Interestingly enough, it’s been confirmed that season 4 will utilize a different structure. In previous seasons, each feature-length episode presented a new mystery. Season 4 will instead tell one overarching story across the whole season.