4400 第四季(The 4400 Season 4)

【編劇】Scott Peters
【主演】喬·格拉什 / 傑奎琳·麥根斯 / 比利·坎貝爾
【類型】美劇 / 科幻 / 懸疑
4400 第四季(The 4400 Season 4)《4400 第四季》:又名The 4400 Season 4。4400 were taken. 4400 were returned. Each has a unique ability. One among them has a message. Anyone can become extraordinary. The risk is great. But so are the rewards. And now there's no turning back The world will have to deal with us. 一個陽光普照的好日子,Tom站在自己的廚房里喝著咖啡。他看了看表,叫Kyle趕快下樓來,說他們快遲到了。Kyle笑盈盈地沖下來,父子倆這輩子也沒這麽開心過。Tom揮了揮手,桌上的車鑰匙飛到了他的手中--難道Tom也喝下Promicin並產生了超能力?  4400 中心的廣場上已經聚集了不少人,其中許多都是我們的老熟人:Diana、Maia、Marco、Kevin Burkoff、Tess Do...